Craig has led and served the local church for over thirty years. He has
a proven track record in leadership and a driving passion for healthy.
Mission focused churches.

After completing a degree in Social Services, Craig worked and then
led teams of youth workers in that area of youth homelessness for a
number of years. This informs his passion for those who are on the
margins and bring the gospel to them in relevant ways.

After completing another degree in Theology and Ministry Craig lead
a church in Sydney’s South West for 16 years, mostly as Senior Pastor. The church grew to include 5
campuses and 7 congregations, made up of different nationalities. The church also developed a
multi-million dollar community welfare presence with not-for-profit enterprises, crisis
accommodation for youth, a pre-school, food programs and many other innovative ways to engage
with and serve their multi-cultural community. Under Craig’s leadership the church experimented in
proclaiming the gospel and gathering people in innovative ways creating a number of missional

Throughout his time as a pastor Craig was trained and released to be a church consultant, resulting
in working with many different denominations, sizes of churches and focus areas. Bringing health to
pastors and churches for missional effectiveness is Craig’s overriding passion.

More recently, in 2011, Craig has founded a leadership and organisational development company,
Transform Leaders, to assist leaders, teams and organisations to skilful reach their goals and create
lasting health. This has resulted in Craig working with a myriad of organisations –
Government departments, multi-national, and Social welfare agencies. Organisations such
as: State Emergency Service NSW, Fire and Rescue NSW, Attorney Generals Department, Australian
Maritime Safety Authority, Surf Life Saving NSW, Saint Vincent De Paul Society, Sydney Anglicare,
CatholicCare, CISCO, University of NSW, TAL insurance, Hitachi, just to name a few.