About Us Our Team Andrew Hill I have had a very diverse career and feel like I have lived 3 lifetimes. 8 years as a police officer in the NSW Police Force set a platform of life experience that I will always cherish and never forget.In Sept 1997 I moved to the USA to marry my awesome wife and lived 5 great years in Pasadena California. Worked in ministry in The Salvation Army and then a sudden career change to become a financial advisor at Merrill Lynch where I attained my series 7 and series 66 certification. Lived and worked through the tech bubble in the early 2000's then 9/11.At the end of 2002 with a new born we decided to move back home and I commenced employment with The Salvation Army Employment Plus. I Worked my way up in management to become the Regional Ops manager for Sydney. Had 11 years with EPlus before moving across to fundraising with The Salvation Army Australia which has found me use all my transferable skills to lead a dynamic team as the General Manager Community Fundraising.