There are currently 23 women, or women with children, who are survivors of Domestic and Family Violence in the Georges River region, and who have become homeless as a result of their situation. These women and children have had nowhere to turn, until now. 

"There are currently 23 women, or women with children, who are survivors of Domestic and Family Violence in the Georges River region"

Last night, Kingsway Care officially opened the first adult crisis accommodation service in the Georges River region. This venture is the first of its kind and will serve as a platform to pioneer further homelessness services in the area. 

Kingsway Care's General Manager, Brook Stewart said that "this service is an opportunity for us to enter into people's suffering, into their story, and be for them a community of compassion in their time of need." Convinced this is just the beginning of a new chapter for homelessness in the George's River region, Brook is certain that new opportunities to impact lives in this community are within arm's reach.

"this service is an opportunity for us to enter into people's suffering, into their story, and be for them a community of compassion in their time of need."

Kingsway Care has been operating homeless accommodation services in the Sutherland Shire since 1992 when Jacaranda Cottage, a medium-term, semi-supported home for teenage girls was birthed. In 2015, Kingsway Care opened Platform Nine, it's first project providing crisis and emergency accommodation services for women, men, and children. Since 2015 Kingsway Care has housed and supported 850 individuals who have become homeless as a result of domestic and family violence, financial hardship, unemployment, or family breakdown.

To mark this monumental occasion, we're asking you to support our 23 Survivors Appeal. All money raised through this appeal will go directly to housing and supporting people who have become homeless in the Georges River Region. Our goal is to raise $20,000 which can help us provide up to 2,500 safe nights accommodation for people in need of crisis or emergency accommodation. Please, give generously and help us, help others.

Lastly, Sign up for our online news to hear stories of hope and transformation as we serve the community together. 


The Kingsway Care Team.