It's that time of year again! We invite you to join us for our Gala Dinner on Thursday 24th October, where we'll come together celebrate with great food, friends and stories while raising much needed funds for Kingsway Care. Thanks to your support over the past year , Kingsway Care has housed 287 people, including 64 children. 
Due to your support in the past year Kingsway Care has housed  287 People (including 64 children) and the demand for the services Kingsway Care keeps increasing and we need your help to reach our Gala Dinner fund raising target of $80,000.
Our Gala Dinners is our way of showing gratitude for your ongoing support.  We're hosting this event with a minimal booking fee, simply  are an opportunity for us to thank you and many others for their ongoing support. That's why we are putting on this event at a minimal booking fee simply to confirm your attendance.  Food and Beverages are covered by the cost of your ticket, but we encourage you to come prepared to participate in our raffles, auctions and other opportunities to donate. 
Let's come together because it really does TAKE A VILLAGE to support Kingsway Care and wrap the vulnerable in our community with love.
Have a great day and don't forget to BOOK YOUR SPOT TODAY!

It’s that time of year again! We invite you to join us for our Gala Dinner on Thursday, 24th October, where we’ll come together to celebrate with great food, friends, and stories while raising much-needed funds for Kingsway Care.

Thanks to your support over the past year, Kingsway Care has housed 287 people, including 64 children. The demand for our services continues to grow, and we need your help to reach our Gala Dinner fundraising target of $80,000.

Our Gala Dinner is our way of showing gratitude for your ongoing support. We’re hosting this event with a minimal booking fee simply as a way to say thank you.

Let’s come together, because it really does TAKE A VILLAGE to support Kingsway Care and wrap the vulnerable in our community with love. 💕

Have a great day, and don’t forget to BOOK YOUR SPOT TODAY!

*Please note table booking names and dietary requirements will need to be finalised 1 month prior to date of event*
Gala Dinner 2024 Help us meet our fundraising target for this years Gala Dinner Find out more

Book a place

Ticket Quantity Price

Single Ticket

Decrease Increase $50.00

Table (8-10 people)

Decrease Increase $400.00