Get Involved Support an Appeal Tamarisk Community Food Project Donate Fundraise The rising cost-of-living in Australia is placing downward pressure on many households, forcing families and individuals to live on a weekly budget that compromises their ability to provide for the simple necessities for life. Hunger and food insecurity are growing realities for many individuals and households. This is causing increased rates of poor mental health, family conflict, poor physical health outcomes, and even homelessness. The most at risk in our community are single parents, young people aged 18 to 24, people with high levels of mental distress, and people who are not fully employed. The reality is that there are thousands of people in the Sutherland Shire who are experiencing hunger and food insecurity due to financial hardship and are daily navigating stress and the negative social, mental, physical, and spiritual impacts associated with these realities. Hunger is preventable and we are committed to making a difference for those who are going without.